Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another medical report

We received another medical report on our kiddos and will have it reviewed by our pediatrician. From our eyes, they all look good.
A couple things stand out:
* The 2 older children do not have any education.
* There platelet counts are high. In doing research that might mean they have an infection. All will have parasites and this could be a reaction to them. ?? We will found out.
* All are HIV negative
* All have a "Healthy looking" status

May the Lord continue to watch over them and keep them safe until they are home with us.


A day of praise!

I drove today! YEH!!!!!! It has been 8 weeks ; a long 8 weeks. Anyway, I am very thankful that all went well and there was not much pain involved. The foot is healing and I am loving my freedom and independence. Dan is excited (he did not say this though) to be able to be relieved of all my duties that he has graciously been doing. He is a good hubby! Sure do love him.

No new news on the adoption. Still waiting for all the dossier stuff.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Waiting - Dossier still not complete

The end of April is almost here and our dossier is not complete. We are a bit bummed but we have to continue to leave it in the Lord's hands. Our timing is much different than our Saviors. We are waiting on our medical forms and our notorized copy of the homestudy. Then the dossier is complete. It will need to go to Indy for authentication and then to DC and then to our agency and then to Ethiopia.

I pray that this delay does not put us back so we cannot get our babies this summer.

Looking forward!

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Great Day

Despite all the crazy things going on with this adoption, we are encouraged by the Lords care and blessing on our life. The Lord will provide all that we need for this adoption and for all that is breaking and falling apart around us. Today we purchased a new lawn tractor (ours had black smoke billowing out of it on Sunday- dead), a new stove, and had our sewer sucked out in hopes of getting rid of the sewer smell in our bathroom. Now, is this not a good day or what?

Someday when the kids are in their teens, I will bring out this journal and share all the "attacks" we endured just to get our babies home.

If you are reading this, we urge you to pray how you can be a part of an orphans life. We would love for you to adopt a child, but if that is not where the Lord has you, there are many other ways. You can pray for an orphan, you can financially support an orphan thru sponsorships (World Vision), go on a mission trip, or help a family that is adopting. The Bible makes it clear in James 1:27 "look after the orphans". What are you going to do about it?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

homestudy to BCIS

AHSS sent our homestudy to BCIS on Wednesday. They did not give us a final copy to proof so we are praying for the Lord to take care of any mistakes.

We are still waiting on our doctors letters and a copy of the HS. Hoping to have everything by Friday so we can move on to getting the Dossier together. We are 2 weeks behind our planned schedule but that is ok. All in God's timing.

The Lawn tractor blew up today. Just one more thing..... We are hoping to get a new stove, have the door and window ordered and put in, and get a lawn tractor this week. More money out the door. A bit frustrating but the Lord knows our heart. He will protect us and provide. I chatted with a friend today and she told us to pray Psalm 91 over our house. We are on it!

Can't wait to see our babies faces. They are precious!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thunder time

We all went to Thunder last night. What a great day to spend with friends! It was a blessing to see all the kiddos play together all day. Fun... Fun...Fun

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Home Study

Our homestudy is complete! YEH!! Our agency sent us the rough draft yesterday for review. It had a few minor changes but all was good and approved by our Adoption agency as well.
Next step: 1- Homestudy sent to Indianapolis Homeland Security 2- Dan and Cyndee get all the final paperwork together for the Dossier 3- PRAYER for all to come together quickly

Lord, you are an awesome God. It has been a rough few weeks with everything breaking and frustration at a high. Thank you for getting us thru thus far. Please help us continue to see YOU thru it all. Help us to find joy even thru the frustrations. Help us to share YOU with everyone as we continue to walk down this journey to our babies. Keep them safe and speak to them Lord. Let them know we are on our way. Let them hear our voice so they know we are their daddy and mommy. More important bring someone around them that can teach them about YOU. Help us Lord serve you better.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter! My heart breaks for my babies over in Eth. They are not learning about Jesus today. I cannot wait to wrap my arms around them and teach them the truth.
Our prayer request continues to be for their safety and their health to continue to be good. Also be with the mother. She has to be an amazing woman. I cannot imagine giving up my chldren because I could not feed them. AH! Bless her, dear Lord. Bring someone around her to teach her about Jesus. GIve her hope.

Still waiting on the homestudy. Pray for all paperwork we are waiting on to come in.

Friday, April 3, 2009

What a day!

Yesterday was quite the day of emotions. We were called by our home study social worker because she had a few questions. First and foremost she wanted to know if our fingerprints thru BCIS were in. They are not. Then she proceeded to tell me that her superior, after review of our homestudy, did not feel comfortable with us adopting 4 children. She had lots of questions that she wanted our social worker to answer. Her concerns were of the emotional toll that it would play on our existing children, the negative issues that will arise, if we realized what we would face, etc. Anyway, my basic response was, "We do not know all the ways we are going to care for "issues" when or IF they arise. But, we know that the Lord wants us to adopt these children. We will do all we can to help them if there are any problems, just like we would do for our own. There is not a book out there that will prepare us for what is ahead outside the Bible. The Lord will get us thru as He has called us to this." What else should we have said? Our social worker was satisfied and said she would be an advocate for us. We were a bit nervous!
A friend of our called, Terry Boesing. She called to ask for prayer and then I shared what had happened with the agency. She prayed and after a 30 minute + conversation, she said the Lord told her about "fingerprints" and said it must be the fingerprints of God that is ..... I did not even hear the rest. I stopped her to say that the first thing the social worker called for was our FINGERPRINTS. What she heard from the Lord about fingerprints was for us. It was confirming that the Lord is in control and our fingerprints that we have been WAITING for are not in our control but HIS. It is all in his timing.
The social worker called back and said after speaking with our agency and me, they will approve us to take in 4 children. Praise the Lord! WE know they are ours. Please Lord get them here quickly.

Favorite Bible Verse

  • Eph 1:5 " ..He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will."
  • Isiah 41:10- "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you with my righteous right hand. "
  • James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself polluted by the world."
  • Jn 14:18 "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
  • John 3:16 "God so loved the world that he gave...
  • Prov 3:5-6 " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight."
  • Rom 9:4 "...Theirs is the adoption as sons..."