Thursday, July 23, 2009

Joy for a friend

We found out last night that friends of ours, Mike and Kim Kramer, received a referral for a beautiful Chinese princess. We are excited beyond words for them.

We met the Kramers at a Ukraine adoption meeting in 2004. We had started the adoption journey for J'Dyn in Ukraine. Processes in the country had changed and we decided to drop out of the program. About 3 weeks after that decision, we received travel papers to go to Ukraine. We still decided against it. The Kramers as well as 2 or 3 other families traveled to U. Due to many challenges in the country, the K's were unsuccessful at adopting a child. They then sent their paperwork to China. Now, almost 4 years later ,they received a referral. If the Lord brings this family to your mind, please send a prayer on their behalf.

We are SOOOO excited for them. THey may be traveling the same time as we do. YEH!!!! May the Lord be with them as they get their baby girl. She is a very lucky little princess. :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Crazy week!

The air went out, the Rv repairs are MORE than expected, we bought a van, tired from a very BUSY week, and are getting ready to go to Lexington for a weekend away. Whew!

Oh, and we found out that there is a probablity that we will be going to Africa at the beginning of Sept not the end. That one made us REALLY nervous. We are VERY excited that we will be going sooner and our babies will be home with us but now we are in a time crunch. Praise the Lord He is with us thru it all and is our strength to get us thru. We have had many frustrating moments. We try very hard to bring it back to Jesus, but I have to be honest - it is hard.

We continue to pray Psalm 91 over our home asking for protection.

Please pray for our babies as the time is near. YEH!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It is Official!

Today is Dan's birthday and we found out that we are officially the parents of 3 new daughters and 1 son. We are SOOOO excited! The next step is to wait for birth certificates and then an embassy appt can be made. We will travel to Africa to be at the embassy appt. It looks like we will go sometime toward the end of Sept.

We are SOOOOO excited! Have I already said that?

Also, just a tidbit of info. Dan and I found out that I was pregnant with Joshua on Dan's birthday, J'Dyn's birthday was given as the 16th (could have been the 15th), and now we found out 4 more are ours on his birthday. Dan says he does not want any more birthday's. hee hee hee

Praises are being given to the Lord for His perfect timing.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Painting... Painting

Oh, my! I had to take a break to check email. We have been painting the classroom and bathroom ALL DAY!! It has been quite the chore. We have a huge list of "TO DO'S" before the kids get here. And, today was classroom. We will be starting school next week so we can get ahead before the kids come as well. I am so thankful that the stress of today- painting- is the only stress on my plate. We watched a video of children who have not eaten in days in Africa. It is a really crisis and one we all need to address.

We have not heard anything on our case so we are assuming the mother did not get there this week. All in God's time!

May each of you know how blessed beyond measure you are.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We passed....but

All of our paperwork made it to court today. Praise #1

The judge reviewed our case and passed us. Praise #2

We were not approved because the mother was not able to attend court. Her sister died and she was not able to make it today. Our agency is going to bring her to court when all is settled on her end. My heart goes out to the mother as she has had SO much loss in her life - husbands, children, and now a sister. I cannot imagine. Please pray for her if you think of it.

After the mother gets to court and signs her paperwork, our agency will request birth certificates. As soon as those arrive, our agency will get an embassy date and we will travel. Looking at Sept time frame to bring our babies home! Praise the Lord.

"With God, all things are possible." Only thru His grace has this worked out today. So many others have had their cases delayed and postponed. We give the Lord all the praise and glory for this. Thank you Lord for all you do for your children. If you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, you need it. The hope and peace you will have is unimaginable. He is awesome! Even thru the tough times, and there will be many, to know that the Lord is there for you gives you the peace that supercedes all understanding.

Monday, July 6, 2009

2 more days to court

Oh my, it is almost here! Wednesday will be the day we find out if we made it to court, passed court, and all the other stuff that goes along with it. We are so excited and nervous about it all. Please pray that we get into court and that all the paperwork is correct. Continue to pray for our babies safety.

May each of you find the peace that can only come from Jesus. There is nothing to fear or worry about when we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Sometimes it is easier to say than to do but it is truth. Jesus knows the path we are on. Stay focused on Him and serve Him today.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


A group of people from our church are in Kenya right now serving orphaned children. Each evening we all gather around the computer to catch up on their daily activities. It is so awesome to see God working and being glorified thru the people He sent. Their "main" mission was to deliver back packs to children who were not able to attend school because they did not have supplies. I believe they have over 500 to pass out to children. Today's entry said they passed out the backpacks, fed 600 children, and shared the gospel. 70 people accepted Christ. WOW!!!
My heart is heavily burdened for the people of Africa. Dan and I pray for the Lord to use us to do His will there. We feel there is so much more in addition to adoption that is waiting for us. We need to help esp when we hear the stories that are shared on the blog from Kenya. It is incredible. Lord, please, if it is your will, open doors and lead us in Your direction. Whatever you want us to do to help the orphans in Africa, we will do. Please open the hearts of others to help these precious babies-- your children. There is a need, use Believers to step out of their comfort zone and walk in faith. Help us to seek You daily and GO!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Getting ready for the kids

We have been so busy with getting the house ready for our new kiddos and fixing all the stuff that has broken, that we have failed to pray for the kids as much as we would like to. It has been crazy trying to keep up with all the stuff that broke. This week we have replaced a hand mixer, replaced the basement door, replaced the window, replaced the holey liner in the pond, and fixed the front door. YEH!! Progress.

I have to be completely honest. It has been a tough road over the last 4 months. We have truly felt the attack and have not liked it. In the midst of trying to save for our adoption, we have had to expend much more $ than what we ever expected. The only way we have made it thru is our faith in the Lord. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we need to adopt these precious children. Someone asked, "What if all these things that are happening, are God's way of saying no to the adoption?" We truly believe that the Lord is only good and would not inflict harm. So, if this was not of the Lord, He would show us in ways that were "closed doors." WE are praying Psalm 91 over our home!

Anyway, thru all the obstacles, it is worth it give 4 children a forever family. It may not be the easiest thing we have ever done, but we know that with the Lord, "All things are possible."

Please continue to pray for our babies.
* for their safety
* For them to know our voices
* For them to adjust to a new life in America
* For Christian nannies to continue to surround them and share the love of Jesus.
* And, as always, prayers for a healed foot! Next appt July 21

Favorite Bible Verse

  • Eph 1:5 " ..He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will."
  • Isiah 41:10- "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you with my righteous right hand. "
  • James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself polluted by the world."
  • Jn 14:18 "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
  • John 3:16 "God so loved the world that he gave...
  • Prov 3:5-6 " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight."
  • Rom 9:4 "...Theirs is the adoption as sons..."