Sunday, January 10, 2010

Playing in the snow

What a simply fun time we had this weekend playing in the snow! The kids had a blast. Luke was determined to "make a snowman" but the snow was not cooperating---at all. All the other kids spent all their time sledding up and down our backyard hill. The more they packed it down the faster they went and loved it. The new kiddos continued to say, "Mommy, VERY cold. " When I asked them if they wanted to go in, they said, "NO, its ok. Me play." So, they played and played and played somemore. I tried my body at sled-boarding but fell on my rump. I tried some other moves and the body did not want to cooperate. What is with that? The kids got a laugh out of it.

Today we also had fun with playdoh. A couple of hours of that = mommy got to watch the Packer game. It worked out very well. They made shapes, play food, and tons of other things. Loved it! It is SOO good for kids but not so good for mommy to cleanup. Oh well-- the trade off.

I can't remember if I wrote this or not. Mari'An was trying to explain something to Amelia in English. She tried to switch to Amharic and tell her but the words were not coming out. She stopped, looked at me and said, "Amharic out, English in... I don't know." AHH! She is starting to loose her native tongue. It makes me a bit sad but I know we cannot keep it going as we do not speak it. Maybe someday she can get it back again. ???? We will see what the Lord has in store for her.

All the kiddos are continuing to do very well. I have started teaching Mari'An and Luke their ABC's with sounds and their numbers with adding. They are picking up on it. We will see how all that goes. ??? They are very bright kids.

Dan had a set back in his recovery. He went to the dr on Friday for his one month checkup. His PSA level is down considerably which means there is a VERY high probability that the removal of his prostate got rid of all the cancer. He also learned that his bladder is not emptying because the opening where they sutured it on his bladder is too small. They had to stretch the opening and put a catheter in for the week. NOT A HAPPY MAN- no explanation needed. We really thought the recovery would be quicker. We are so blessed to know the cancer is gone but would like this all behind us. He also was told that further tests need to be done on other parts of his body to check for cancer. Some issues arose and further testing is needed to completely rule anything out. AHHH!! So, next week will be another week of tests and doctor visits. We leave all of this in the Lord's hands. Again not sure why we are here, but hope that we can use this to help someone else and give God the praise and glory in the process. Still frustrating for all of us.

Another week is about to begin. May we be able to touch the hearts of someone in the name of Jesus, May we be better spouses, parents, and friends than last week, and most of all may we grow in spirit to share more about Jesus with others. That is a big task list for the week. hee hee hee

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Favorite Bible Verse

  • Eph 1:5 " ..He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will."
  • Isiah 41:10- "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you with my righteous right hand. "
  • James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself polluted by the world."
  • Jn 14:18 "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
  • John 3:16 "God so loved the world that he gave...
  • Prov 3:5-6 " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight."
  • Rom 9:4 "...Theirs is the adoption as sons..."